Life is hectic, but it can be tamed. All of us are being pulled in multiple different directions. From busy work schedules to stretching ourselves with volunteering or spending quality time with family, it’s hard to stay on top of everything. If you aren’t organized you definitely miss out on key opportunities and precious moments in life. Being more organized is one way to get your life under control. Most of us would love to have a housekeeper and personal assistant, but it’s not always economical or practical for everyone. The next best thing is to take simple steps to regain your control.
Try these ideas to organize your life to find greater control and enjoyment:
1 – End your day by making a list. Avoid going to bed without knowing what you want to do the following day. There’s nothing worse for keeping a handle on your life than waking up without a clue of how to get started.
- Set aside 10 minutes each evening to plan out the next day. Make a short list of the most important items that need to be accomplished the following day. Review and reflect on your progress regularly to identify areas for improvement and adjust your strategies accordingly.
- Recognize what you have done. Review your list from the previous day and acknowledge what you have accomplished. Too often we simply check things off our list without recognition of what we have accomplished.
- Recognize what you have done. Review your list from the previous day and acknowledge what you have accomplished. Too often we simply check things off our list without recognition of what we have accomplished.
2- Begin your day with that list of important tasks. Once you’ve climbed out of bed and pulled yourself together, look over your list and get started. As much as possible, avoid doing anything that isn’t on that list. Keep at it until the items on the list have been completed.
3 – Do the hard things first. If procrastination rings true for you, set a goal to do difficult tasks before the easy one. You will feel a greater sense of pride when you accomplish it and it will fuel you to do the easier tasks.
4 – Pay bills once each week. Choose a day and time to sit down with your bills and pay them. You’ll never have to pay late fees again, and you’ll stay much more organized. Make a habit of it.
5 – If you still get physical mail, throw the junk mail away immediately. When you bring mail into the house, head straight for the recycling container. Throw away anything you don’t want. Put your bills and anything else you want to keep in the appropriate place.
- Misplaced mail and bills can create a lot of challenges. Managing your mail will help you save money and avoid late fees.
6 – Spend the last 15 minutes of the day cleaning your office. Avoid having to start your day in a cluttered space. Spend a few minutes and the end of the day getting organized and decluttered. You’ll feel better when it’s time to work again.
- You’ll find that this habit extends to other rooms in your life, like the kitchen and living room.
- Clearing clutter out of your workspace, will allow you to be more creative and productive.
7 – Look ahead for potential challenges. Much of the chaos in life comes from unplanned obstacles. Look ahead for the things that might go wrong and have a plan for dealing with them. You’ll scramble around less, and the chaos in your life will be reduced.
8 – Clean your car while getting gas. It’s boring to just stand there while you’re waiting for your gas tank to fill. See how much you can accomplish during that time. Clean out the trash in your car. Organize your console. Add some fresh scents. Your car will be less messy and more enjoyable to drive.
9 – Use a wall calendar and make your family use it. Put up a big wall calendar that everyone in the family can see and use. It’s a lot easier to stay organized this way. At a glance, you can see everyone’s activities for the month. When something needs to be added, the responsible party can add it.
- If you prefer to use a virtual calendar, invite others in your family to use it also. Set reminders and alerts so everyone stays on track.
10 – Delegate. You delegate at work, so you can delegate at home. You can delegate at home even if you can’t delegate at work. Give each person in the household a responsibility or two. Ensure that they’re following through. You’ll have more free time to do the things you really enjoy.
A disorganized life finds clever ways of beating you up. You’re constantly stressed and putting out fires. With a little organization, you can tame a complicated life and enjoy yourself more.
Try making a few small changes and notice the effect it has on your life. Keep making additional changes until you’re satisfied. You can have a life that you enjoy.
Share in the comment sections a simple tool that you use to stay organized.