Every week I get an email from my virtual assistant where she asks, “Any new blog posts today?”. She’s an amazing human and works hard to keep me organized, in my flow, and on schedule. Each time I’ve read her email in the last few weeks, I’ve let out a heavy sigh wondering what has happened to my creativity. Where’s my mojo? But to be honest with you, 2023 started with a bang! I’ve been hit with some deep personal stuff that I haven’t dealt with in years. It really has taken a toll on me. Despite the challenges, every day I see myself growing and transforming. My word for the year is: CHANGE. I’m living it, embracing it and evolving daily.
I’m a very active person on social media and in my life. But I haven’t had the oomph to post, share, create or write. Until today. I heard this quote recently that summed up exactly how I’m feeling:
I’m not hiding, I’m finding
The journey of self-discovery is a continuous process of hills and valleys. There are moments when you feel like you’re on the mountaintop and others when you feel like the next step up the mountain seems impossible. When you’re in the valley, it may look as though you’re hiding.
For me, that’s far from being true. My husband recently reminded me of a video I shared on social media regarding the value of being still. In the finding or self-reflection, it requires stillness. It requires that you take some time to evaluate who you are, what you want in life and what makes you happy. You can’t figure that out if you’re always busy, always moving, always in the mix of things. Self-reflection requires that you seek to understand who you are. It requires that you confront the bad, the ugly and the good of who you are. Finding who you are requires honesty. It requires that you leave the judgement behind and accept your failures and flaws. But it also empowers you to realize your strengths and the unique qualities that make you who you are. Self-reflection is a catalyst on the road of change. Finding who you are opens your world for so much opportunity to grow.
In my quietness of finding, I’ve been using this time to share and seek feedback from the people that matter to me. I’ve been reading, journaling, meditating and praying. I’ve been vulnerable and an open book. Trust me, it’s been hella scary! Thoughts and feelings that I’ve hidden in my heart have been opened. Stories that I’ve been telling myself that have held me captive are being replaced. It’s not been an easy process. But the joy and my truth that I’m finding brings me so much peace. It brings me so much joy!
Sometimes stepping away from the busyness of life is the best thing you can do. It’s exactly what I needed. So, I’ve not been hiding, I’ve been finding. The woman that I’m finding is one that I love, value and accept just the way she is. If you need extra help on your journey of finding, reach out to a trusted friend, coach, therapist or counsellor. It’s one of the BEST steps you can take.