I have been a member of Femcity.com for 5 years. In a couple of weeks, we’ll celebrate our 6 year anniversary in the RGV. I’m so grateful for this community of women who empower, inspire, acknowledge and champion me. I’ve had to push myself outside my comfort zone to receive all the blessings that this community brings to me. It’s been an amazing experience. I’ve formed amazing partnerships and friendships with these beautiful women. People often ask me how I keep going to our dinners. The answer is simple, you get out of it what you invest. You invest nothing (time, money, relationships, etc), you’ll get nothing. My Femcity community gives me back what I invest in it.
This week I had the opportunity to speak to the founder and CEO about our collective Femcity-RGV. Violette de Ayala is an author of international bestseller, an entrepreneur, an influencer, a mom & a wife. She’s also my friend. Check out our latest conversation:
To learn more about Femcity click here: https://bit.ly/joimmeatfemcity